Irish I Could Run Faster!

Well this has been a couple of weeks coming! Back on March 16th I found myself in Cowtown, Alberta, toeing the line for the Calgary Road Runners’ annual St. Patrick’s Day Run. I chose the 5k, in accordance with my pre-determined season plan of running a 5k, 10k, half-marathon, then a marathon – all PB’s of course! In theory, it was going to be easy to PB in this run because curso tech recruiter I’ve never actually run a 5k before. In practice though, I know how fast I should be able to run a 5k – knowing my 5k splits in half-marathons that I’ve run in the past. I had set myself a shot-in-the-dark goal of running sub-20 minutes for a 5k. Seemed hard enough to push myself, but I figured it should be doable.

On the morning of the race, my sister drove Kimberly and I to the Central Memorial High School, where the run would start and finish. It was a chilly but sunny morning and I did a bit of a warm-up while waiting for things to get going. A short jog up and down the start/finish straight, some a/b/c’s, a few strides, butt-kicks… I think I probably looked like I knew what I was doing more than I felt I knew what I was doing!

Shortly after the 10k’ers took off, they summoned the 5k’ers to the starting line and gave us all of 4 seconds notice that the race was about to start… surprise!! I started at a pretty quick pace. Whether it’s a good thing or not I’m not sure, but I kept looking at my Garmin to see what my initial pace was. I wanted to make sure I didn’t overdo it in the first km. I slowed myself down a bit but made sure I was still pushing. I ran the first km in just over four minutes – pretty close to my 20 minute pace – but I was feeling it! My second km clocked in at around 4:18 if memory serves me, and then I slowed down a bit. The roads were slightly rolling and in the third km, we went up a short but steep-ish hill that really sucked the air out of my lungs. I got passed by what appeared to be a 13 year old.

Over the top of the hill, I tried to get myself back up to speed. I knew at this point that I had no chance of hitting 20 minutes, but I wanted to keep it under 22. I recovered a bit and then there was a beautiful downhill in the final km, before ramping up again at the finish. It felt like my lungs were bleeding, but I pushed on and crossed the line in 21:58. Take that, 22 minutes!


So that wasn’t really close to my goal time but I guess everybody needs a starting point. This is also the earliest in the year that I’ve ever done a race. Back in my bike racing days, I got out to an early April race but there was never anything in March. So I’ll take the positive that I trained for the race and ran as hard as I could. Heck, I got third in my age group and won a Steamwhistle stein! Done.


I haven’t registered for anything else yet but I’m looking for another 5k or 10k near Edmonton in April. It’s probably still too early for me to go for a fast 10k time so maybe I’ll take another shot at a 5k first. I’m open to race suggestions if anybody knows of some good ones coming up?!


Taking a turn for the better

Winter in Canada is a strange and frustrating thing. The weather (and weather forecasters) toy with our emotions all year long, and 30 degree temperature swings over a period of one – to – two days isn’t all that uncommon. I just looked back at the blog I posted last week and it was -34 degrees while I was writing it. Now it’s 8 degrees and sunny and everything is melting! It’s spring! We’re saved!

Nah, I’m not that naive. It is nice to allow yourself to get swept up in the excitement of a beautiful day though. Even though we probably still have quite a few below-zero days and snow storms coming our way before summer, winter is definitely on its way out and it’s days like this that make you feel like things are really starting to take a turn for the better.

Speaking of taking a turn for the better, the back problems I whined about last week are also subsiding and I managed to get a total of five decent runs in last week. Included in those workouts were 2 x 1 mile at 5k pace, and a track workout that consisted of three sets of 2 x 400m and 1 x 150m. I love 400′s (massive sarcasm)! Really though, track workouts make my lungs hurt. But it’s the kind of hurt that I know is going to pay off later this summer when I’m killing my PB’s! I also managed to get out for a short run with Kimberly. We don’t run together all that often, but it is nice when we’re able to go out and keep each other company on a beautiful spring-ish day.

Our first run together - 2014

This week I’m going to try to keep the consistency up, and get a speed workout and a hill workout in before taking on the St. Patrick’s Day 5k in Calgary next Sunday. I had originally set my sights on a sub-20 minute run but the closer it gets the more I’m thinking that might be a bit too ambitious for this time of year. Regardless, I’m going to give’er and see what happens.

Another benefit of spring-like weather is that it means it’s time to dust off the barbecue! Last night we had some friends over and tried a chicken skewer recipe from Whitewater Cooks (one of our favourite series of cookbooks), that included three different dipping sauces – chipotle honey, tzaziki, and charmoula. Tonight, we also dipped into the Whitewater books for an Indian Chicken Burger recipe, made with ground chicken, garam masala, curry powder, garlic, eggs and bread crumbs, and topped with mango chutney, raita sauce, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. Damn – I’ll be making this one again! Can’t say enough good things about the Whitewater series of cookbooks. So many of their recipes are in our regular rotation! Check them out for sure.


Well, one more week and we’ll be half-way through March. It’s kind of hard to believe that summer will be here soon. The winter in Edmonton has been so harsh this year – and probably has been in most other parts of Canada as well (unless you live in the Okanagan or Vancouver area…). The nice weather has lifted my spirits and I would like to wish everybody a great start to their outdoor running season! Wish me luck for my 5k next week – it’s short, but it’s going to be tough!